
06 October 2015

OSX El Capitan - Review

Osx el capitan

Not so long ago, Apple has launched it's new Operating System for the Mac. As usual, this update is free and it has some nifty little features here and there that make it pretty awesome!


My personal computer is an old macbook from back in 2010. Until recent times, this macbook started to get pretty sluggish when it comes to intense-ish programs and processes. After installing the new OSX, my mac actually got better performance. Don't get me wrong!.. I'm not talking about running the whole adobe Suite and expect it not to fail miserably, but it does feel, overall, a bit more responsive, and that's always good.

Side-to-side Apps

The new OSX now allows you to clip 2 apps/windows next to each other, taking up all the space on your monitor. Windows users will state that this feature has been around on windows for a long time, but, none the less, it's still a handy feature to have on our macs.

A Better Spotlight

Spotlight is a feature that allows you to quickly find any apps or documents on your mac by pressing CMD + SPACEBAR and typing your search query. Now you can also ask spotlight other general questions, like for example questions about stock prices, sports scores, the weather around you or from any other place, and more. When searching for your documents, spotlight will also search for keywords inside your documents for better and more accurate results.

Photos App Plugins

The Mac's Photos app has been used to view and organise your photos on your computer. Now, we can also add third-party plugins to the photos app that give more tools to edit our photos inside of the Photos app itself! Some examples of these apps are "Tonality", which lets you turn photos into black and white master pieces; Snapheal, wihich let's you fix any imperfections in your photos; Noiseless, allowing us to remove any unwanted noise and graininess; and more.


This review gathers some of the features that we think are very useful, but we did not cover all of the features! You can find out more about El Capitan on Apple's website. What do you think about the new Mac OSX? Let us know what features you prefer the most and if we should add anything to our list!

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